After challenges
brought by 2020
we decided
to change
It’s not about
the new cover
It is about the way we make things…
We received a lot of words of love, support and gratitude.
We know you love our planner just as much as we do.
Why not trying crowdfunding?
Do you want to support us?
Then please have a look at the wonderful lots we prepared and carefully selected for you.
How the money will be spent:
• Research, Design and Layout;
• High quality printing;
• Hiring a programmer;
• Handling and fulfilment;
• Development
We are looking for the ways to improve the conversion of the raw ephemeris data into our signature design and make it precise. We elaborate different language editions. Right now we prepare our planner for publishing in 4 languages for three different time zones.
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Back it because you believe in it. Support the project for no reward, just because it speaks to you.
You can add any number of this items.
1 backer
We are committed to make our design as comfortable and as flawless as it can be. We can be so insatiable that we are not happy until we move that textblock up to a 1/72th fraction of an inch. We are looking for adding new dimensions to the layout. Soon you will see what we are preparing for you.
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High Quality Printing
We always pick the best materials and best options in order to make our product perfect. We just love doing it. There are no compromises in paper quality or special ink formula.
We have to handle huge amount of data. Ephemeris table we start with every year contains as many as millions of items. In the very beginning we were putting together all the elements. It could take as much as 4 hours to make just one double page spread. We hired the best programmer in order to provide the planner with the accurate results.
And we keep moving forward! We are creating new forms of the planner like the one you can already know—our free calendar for mobile devices and computers. We use it and we share it with anyone.
Handling and Fulfilment
We always try to find the best reliable shipping solution. We are very proud that during the pandemic hysteria we have all items delivered. Well, Aussies, sorry, they use now ships to ship shippings. Just like the old days. This is why we start much much earlier this year!
The challenging 2020 has brought us a lot of challenges and, thus, a lot of lessons to make. We are constantly investigating on how to improve delivery and we will not stop. At least until we find a perfect system. But that's another story.
All contributions help and will allow us to continue to create beautiful books and services for the HD community.
No product
Good for those who prefers the lightness of a digital file to the weight of a material planner book.
Limited (0 left of 5) • 5 backers
No product
Good for those who prefers the lightness of a digital file to the weight of a material planner book.
Your personal connection chart on every page.
Limited (9 left of 10) • 1 backer
We found out that we cannot accept settle down with just one successful product. We are creating another way to deliver the knowledge. We started to work on other books and helping editions. Just because we enjoy doing it!
No product
Our Team
We are just two Human Design enthusiasts, graduated and certified by IHDS and HD Austria. We live out our designs as committedly as we can. We're happy that HD became not only a mindplay but our path and experience. We live mostly in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, we love to travel and enjoy having no plans. Some collective things still require planning but we're okay with that.
We aim to travel as freely as we can. We want to visit all the places where our Pro-Liner HD can be met. That would be quite a journey!
Meet Anna
Anna is Emotional Generator 2/4. True good taste, natural and passionate. Translated several books on Human Design. She can seem doing her stuff slowly but it is always fast and reliable. Taste for text, sharp eye and readiness to dive deep deep til the bottom of things. She is our team's inspiration and proofread, she brings us emotional depth and emotional awareness. Her inner Authority rules in our couple letting us percolate challenges and giving us stability believe it or not.
Meet Nikita
Nikita is Sacral Manifesting Generator 1/3. When he gets down to do something he loves (and he doesn't do anything else) it is hard to find someone more committed. Unconditional respect for the language and word. Capable to see beauty in small thing and glorify it. Aimed to perfect everything. All this coupled with enormous experience and intelligence let him create a masterpiece, something beautiful. Generating ideas, tech stuff, design and art, whatever he is up to now, it inevitably becomes Pro-Liner HD, a child of love and passion.
We are independant, we follow our own principles, we do not seek for the outer authorities to praise us; we’re happy if they do not interfere.
Of course independence is a concept. As for us, we depend on your support, whether you are satisfied with our products or not. We are looking for the support from you, our customers. And we want to pay back with ‘a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over’.
This crowdfunding campaign is not like any other campaign. There is no minimum level of success. We will print New Pro-Liner HD no matter how successful are our marketing skills, SEO, advertising. Just like the last year. We bet and we won. We all won, didn’t we?
We would like to thank every backer, every believer and we do it here and now.
432 pages of pure transit awareness. Free shipping. Only here and only now.
Unimited • 28 backers
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You asked for it. We made it available. For the limited time for the same price as the basic version.
+ Same free delivery!
Limited (39 left of 50) • 11 backers
No product
Free shipping. Handy and handsome. This pencil pouch is a very nice companion to your planner.
Limited (17 left of 20) • 2 backers
No product
Free shipping. Take this enamel mug anywhere you go with your Pro-Liner HD with you. Imprinted with your personal Incarnation Cross in hexagrams.
Limited (8 left of 10) • 2 backers
No product
Free shipping. Standard Basic Pro Set for special price. You will get a planner and a Personal Bodygraph Compass.
Unlimited • 11 backers
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Free shipping. Fill your environment with fresh air, contemplation, or vivid colors. All photographs by Nikita Pankevich, our motor and creator.
Limited (11 left of 12) • 1 backer
No product
Fill your environment with much more fresh air, contemplation, or vivid colors. All photographs by Nikita Pankevich, our motor and creator.
Limited (9 left of 10) • 1 backer
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Basic Pro Set + Personal session from the creators of the transit planner
No product
Honorable Lot
Your planner in perfected binding. Flexible and durable. Can be personalized or customised.
No product
Planner + Alpha One Analysis™ by a certified analyst. The Alpha One Profile offers an extensive personal business profile analysis